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Connect with a Workforce Working From Home

Working From Home - WFH

Working from home (WFH) has been a growing trend for well over a decade. Forbes reported a Global Workplace Analytics graphic in January 2020 that indicated 159% growth in remote work over the previous 12 years. According to the 2019 National Compensation Survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 7% of civilian workers – about 9.8 million people – had the ability to work from home going into 2020. Meanwhile, the National Bureau of Economic Research had reported that only 37% of jobs could plausibly be performed at home.

A Historic Expansion of Telework

As the pandemic raced across the globe in early 2020, country after country quickly imposed strict lockdown measures and social distancing guidelines to help slow the spread of infection. These lockdowns resulted in an abrupt and historic switch to employees working from home. Absent the capacity for telework, the lockdowns could not have lasted without leading to an economic collapse that would have forced us back into the office, worsening infection rates even further. By June of 2020, the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research released a Policy Brief indicating that 42% of the U.S. labor force was working from home full-time, while massive global employers from Amazon to the U.S. Department of Commerce have switched to telework for all employees in 2020 and 2021. Some have found the rate to be even higher, such as the Clutch 2020 Remote Work Survey which found that 66% of U.S. employees surveyed are working remotely as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Connection Not Found

Late last year, we took a closer look at how companies can better connect with virtual event attendees with branded promotional products. Now that our workplaces have become “virtual events” in their own right, we can assume it is every bit as important to ensure we are building connections with our employees in the same engaging way as we would our customers. As the Society for Human Resources Management reminds us, company-branded gifts can make people feel more like part of the team. But coordinating the selection, procurement, processing, and distribution of branded merchandise to a large number of far flung remote employees can be overwhelming. That’s where Metron Branding comes in.

Re-Connect the Easy Way

Metron Branding is proud to be a full-service promotional marketing agency focused on making it easy for you to manage the selection, customization, and distribution of branded promotional items. Our dedicated account managers are here to help you select the trendiest products and gear to make available and we’ll set it up so you can let your teams take it from there – wherever there is. From custom packaging to kitting and assembly through to home delivery in a timely fashion, we’ll keep your employees stocked up with gear that serves as a visual reminder that they are a part of a team who values their contributions.

If you are ready to learn more about our services, contact us by filling out the form below. Or you can browse this collection of our recent posts that take a closer look at how we help bridge divides in the virtual workplace:

  1. Help employees settle into remote offices with merch that keeps your brand visible in their workspaces.
  2. BrandHub Online Company Stores puts the power of self-service into employee and manager’s hands for ordering variable data and static office supplies and swag.
  3. Pop Up Shops enable rewards events that lets employees choose their favorite way to represent your brand in their home office.
  4. Branded workout gear helps combat the Quarantine Fifteen while reminding employees your company cares about their wellness.
  5. Make sure new employees feel like part of the family with custom branded new hire kits.

Working from Home? Get Started Today!

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