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How Self-Promotion Can Help Build Your Brand

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The key to a successful brand is to have a smart branding strategy.

It’s important to analyze your business, along with the products or services you provide. Find out what it is that your ideal customer base is looking for in a brand. Using that information will help you craft a branding strategy that will help build your presence in front of the right audience.
The next step is figuring out how exactly you will build up your brand. This is where self-promotion comes in. Self-promotion serves as a tool to advance the perception of your company and, in turn, your brand. We’ve partnered with many companies for their self-promotion needs; here are a few of the awesome projects we’ve taken part in.

SnowEx USBs

SnowEx was looking for a USB drive to store files that were being sent out to their 750 distributors across North America. We came up with an idea to create a custom product that represented SnowEx and would be a memorable item for their dealers to receive. Teaming up with a USB supplier, we produced a PVC USB drive molded into the shape of one of SnowEx’s salt spreaders. We spent a few weeks tweaking the design, and the final result was impressive: a mini replica of a SnowEx spreader with 4GBs of electronic storage. Literature that would have been printed and shipped was now stored on the USB, saving SnowEx time and money. The product was eye-catching and helped push SnowEx’s brand into new territory.
 self-promotion snowex usb drive

Mango Languages Plush Toys

Mango Languages is a language software company with a fun and playful brand image. We came up with an idea that would fit their style: plush toys based on their Mango brand character. We dressed up the plush toys for various themes, such as a pirate theme and a tango theme. They loved it.
Something as simple as a plush toy can be utilized as a powerful self-promotion tool. By marrying a creative product with a entertaining brand image, you can form an effective self-promotion tactic. We’ve only discussed the very tip of the iceberg when it comes to self-promotion. Get in touch with us for help with your next project!
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