Site Design: An Important Part of Online Company Stores

At Metron Branding, we care about getting you the very best online company store. We’ve proven this again and again and again. When it comes to creating any type of site, design is one of the most important parts to think about. A modern site needs to be responsive, easy to navigate, and, for an online company store, a place where you can easily purchase your company’s products. Ultimately, we want every company we serve to be happy with their final product.

Responsive Design

We ensure every company site works well across a variety of resolutions and devices, thanks to the power of responsive design. Your users can access your site from their phones, tablets, and computers and expect a great experience no matter the platform.

Webstore Usability

We are focused on meeting website design guidelines that will make your store easy to navigate and optimize conversion rate. We cover everything from easy-to-read fonts, an intuitive navigation system, and consistency from page to page. We’re experienced enough to know that a single site design can’t cover all use cases so we always have our ears open for customer feedback.

We’re With You Every Step of the Way

If you have no experience with building a site and have no idea what you want it to look like, we’ll take charge and come up with a site based on your company’s branding. But what if you have the perfect vision already in mind? You lead and we’ll follow; we want to ensure you end up with a company site that you want to visit time and time again. We offer plenty of unique personalizations for our customers, such as Single Sign-On, Custom Approval Rules and Workflows, and virtually anything else you can think of!

Example Sites

Check out some of our example sites below:
kuka online company store
Site Design: An Important Part of Online Company Stores 1
lamacchia online company store

Get started with your own online company store by setting up a company store demo or contacting us by phone (248-545-4444) or online.